Monday, June 8, 2009

The Postive Side of American Pop-Culture

I must admit I somewhat agree with Steven Johnson in regards to his idea of The Sleeper Curve. At first, I really didn’t understand how media could possibly affect anyone’s brain positively. Television shows, and other forms of media, enhancing our mental capabilities seemed a little far-fetched, but after careful thought it seems to make more sense.

Johnson breaks down each form of media by way of theories. When looking at video games or the internet, for example, Johnson discusses Probing which is basically the idea of figuring out how a game works by testing it out for yourself rather than using a Manuel. This idea of Johnson’s is strong and demonstrating learning by doing. When something positive happens for us when playing a video game endorphins our released in our brains. With television, Johnson discusses mutli-threading and social networks which, according to Johnson, are mentally stimulating. Following intense and confusing story lines cause neurons in our brains to fire.

There are other ways we learn by way of the media that Johnson did not explain. I believe we become culturally intelligent. This is probably the more obvious example of how media affects us positively. When watching a show about therapy, the viewer is able to see and experience something one might never have before. When watching reality shows like True Life viewers are again able to take a walk in someone else’s shoes and become more open minded about the people around them. By watching T.V., reading blogs, or watching films we are able to learn about American culture, other cultures, and obtain a better understanding of our fellow man that we may have never had before.

I believe Johnson’s definition of learning is much narrowed. It completely differs from mine and that is probably why I failed to understand the Sleeper Curve at first. Learning isn’t always neurological, or so black and white. There’s many things to learn from the media that aren’t so technical. The Sleeper Curve in media may stimulate our brains the same way a puzzle would but it also stimulates our brains the way a book would. It stimulates as it teaches.

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