Monday, June 8, 2009

Twitter and all the good for you

Over the past ten weeks I have been interpreting Twitter into Steven Johnson’s “Everything bad is Good for you” argument of the Sleeper Curve. I came to find that Twitter is exemplifying with Johnson’s argument of the Sleeper Curve. Twitter is a popular website today. Johnson talks about three different things that have the internet on the rise that challenged our minds in three fundamental ways: virtue of being participatory, learning new interfaces, and new channels for social interaction (Johnson 117-8). Some people might think the internet is not making our conversation any better but it really is making our culture better at the same time. Twitter makes our brain work less than it should but at the same time it is enhancing our cognitive faculties and making our pop culture smarter.

The Sleeper Curve has three crucial pieces to it. The internet part of the Sleeper Curve talk about three fundamental way to challenged our minds 1) virtue of being participatory 2)learning new interfaces 3)creating new channels for social interaction. The internet is a new form of pop culture that had been around for more than a decade ago. It’s one thing to adapt your lifestyle to include time for sitting around watching a moving image on a screen; it’s quite another thing to learn a whole new language of communication and a small army of software tools along with it (Johnson 117). Yes many people had to change the way they way living for this new form of communication that is pop culture today.

Twitter is a new form of communication in today pop culture media. Twitter is basically a social network where you are on their communicating with different people. What you are doing all day is following different people and people are following you. Today everyone has a Twitter, from celebrity to normal people. Twitter is a hand on web site where you really do not have to have any brains to do much. Twitter has gotten to that point where how you can “tweet” form your phone now. “Tweet” is just another name to call it rather that “twittering”. Millions of people are Tweeting every day, and twice as many are on Twitter.

My first point of Johnson’s in comparison with Twitter is being participatory: participatory is you engaging yourself into the web site that you have gotten on. “Everyone recognized that the practices of composing email and clicking on hyper links were going to be mainstream actives” (Johnson 118). How you use this on Twitter well by writing I your blog box with only a 140 characters and writing to different people. People might put up question for their follower to answer different blogs might have hyper link in it, you can click on it and it will open up another web site with whatever they wanted people to see. For example I was reading one of P.Diddy’s blog that he had wrote, it said something about haters so he had a link on his blog and I click on it, it had part of Katt Williams “American Hustle” the part where Katt talks about having haters. I was using the participatory fundamental way of challenging our minds.

My second point of Johnson’s in comparison to Twitter is learning new interfaces: an interface is when you are in control of the system. “The accelerating pace of new platforms and software applications forces users to probe and master new environment “(Johnson 121). The interface part of Twitter really does not fit into what Johnson says about it but it does fit into face book. There is not many software application is can get on Twitter but on the other hand you can find most application on face book. Face book has this list of different gadgets you can put on your page. For examples you got this photo gadget where you can put on your page. You can upload a lot of photo and put your page. Whereas on Twitter you have to spend time look for the link to add your photos and that is just doing too much.

The last point of Johnson’s comparison to Twitter is social interaction: Social interaction on web is when you are interacting with different social group online. “in fact, nearly all of the most hyped development on the webs for augmenting social connection: on line personals, social, business network sites” (Johnson 124). Twitter is basically all three of these social sites put into one. Well one it a personal site because you have your profile set up and everything. Then next it’s a social site because you are socializing with different people. The final one is business, Twitter is for everyone, I have seen business with their Twitter page. They are promoting their business Columbus Jobs has a Twitter I am following them and they are following me. They post new Jobs up every day if they are hiring.

Steven Johnson’s book “Everything Bad for You is good” made the statement that pop culture is making society smart. Twitter, even though there is not much to do on that site. It stills a great point out the Sleeper Curve and how today technology is making our popular culture smarter than the last decade. Today you have three fundamental ways is challenging today young people’s brain. Participatory, interface and social interface is what the internet offers the society today.

Works Cited

Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad Is Good For You. New York: the Penguin Group, 2005.

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